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Marrie Goretti Clinic  is the only national, independently accredited safe abortion, vasectomy and contraception provider

Abortion clinics near me and prices

Our services

We are the fiercely pro-choice, non-judgemental, holistic health provider, supporting individuals to access their sexual and reproductive health and choices safely. Our clinical expertise, recovery focussed client journey, and values-led approach combine to deliver safer clinical outcomes and client wellbeing.

Family planning and abortion clinics

Marrie Goretti Clinic family planning and abortion clinics provide specialised, accredited contraception, vasectomy,medical abortion and surgical abortion services across South Africa.

Surgical abortion

Surgical abortion in Marrie Goretti Clinic accredited day surgery with a doctor specialised in abortion care. Sedation options and some evening appointments available.

Abortion by Telehealth

Abortion (teleabortion) in the privacy of your own home with our nurses on call at all times. Have your script consult and medically required follow up in-clinic or over the phone.

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